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ONLINE - 50hr Yoga & Mindfulness for Kids and Teens
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Module 1
What is Yoga? (3:57)
Yoga for everyone! (2:11)
Yoga and Meditation (2:24)
What is stress?
What is Mindfulness? (0:25)
Benefits of Yoga for Children and Teens
General Tips
Contraindications for Children & Teens (2:11)
Pantanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga (0:05)
Let's Reflect
Module 2
Introduction to Kids Yoga Anatomy (1:49)
Physical Development
The Skeletal System (3:03)
The Muscular System (1:19)
The Respiratory System (1:20)
Endocrine System (1:09)
The Digestive System (1:01)
The Nervous System (0:57)
Module 3
Childhood Development (6:50)
Psychological Theories of Development
Development and Kids Yoga (0:53)
Development and kids yoga ages 3-5 years
Development and kids yoga ages 6-8 years
Development and kids yoga ages 9 - 12 years
Development and kids yoga ages 13 - 16 years
Yoga and Sensory Development
Introducing Yoga to Teens
Yoga and Mental Health
Feelings and Emotions
Emotional Development
Coping Strategies
Structure and function of the brain (6:52)
Teen brain development
The upstairs and downstairs brain
The different types of intelligence (1:26)
Breathing Lab (3:24)
Pranayama (0:05)
The Two Types of Breathing (2:32)
Breath and the Nervous System
The Vagus Nerve (4:45)
What is Breath Awareness (2:02)
What is Conscious Breathing? (3:13)
What is Extended Exhalation Breathing? (2:29)
What is Breath Retention? (1:31)
How to add Breath and Movement (1:11)
Breath and Sound (1:17)
Belly Breath (0:42)
Classroom Belly Breath
Be Happy Breath (0:22)
Classroom Be Happy Breath
Bee Breath (1:07)
Classroom Bee Breath
Flower Breath (0:35)
Classroom Flower Breath
Take 5 Breath (0:54)
Classroom Take 5 Breath
Bunny Breath (0:40)
Classroom Bunny Breath
Stress Eraser Breath (0:53)
Classroom Stress Eraser Breath
Triangle Breathing (0:36)
Classroom Triangle Breathing
Additional Breathing Exercises (1:40)
Breathing Props (0:45)
Moving Lab
Why yoga for the classroom or homeschool environment??
What is core strength?
What is shoulder stability?
What is fine motor coordination? (1:29)
What is gross motor coordination?
Balance and coordination
Crossing the midline
Loosen Up (2:07)
Cat Stretch (0:46)
Rock and Roll (1:15)
Desk Rest (0:57)
What's Behind You? (1:32)
Leg Lifts (1:33)
Chair Dog (1:17)
Boat Pose (1:58)
Hip Hip Hooray (0:33)
Scratch your Back (0:58)
Chair Flow Sequences
Moving Lab
Flow Yoga (0:35)
Yoga Poses with Animal names (0:25)
Yoga Props & Accessories
Airplane Pose | Virabhadrasana (0:23)
Bicycle Pose (0:30)
Boat Pose | Navasana (0:21)
Butterfly Pose | Baddha Konasana (0:32)
Cat / Cow | Bitilasana Marjaryasana (0:42)
Camel Pose | Ustrasana (0:41)
Candle Pose | Viparita karani (0:37)
Chair Pose | Utkatasana (0:24)
Crab Pose | Purvottanasana (0:31)
Crow Pose | Kakasana (0:30)
Downward Dog Pose | Adho Mukha Svanasana (0:51)
Dancer Pose | Natarajasana (0:26)
Donkey Kicks | Handstand preparation (0:46)
Elephant Pose | Wide leg forward fold (0:38)
Eagle Pose | Garudasana (1:10)
Ear Massage (0:25)
Fish Pose | Matsyasana (0:32)
Frog Pose | Malasana (0:25)
Foward Fold | Uttanasana (0:27)
Figure Eight (0:20)
Gorilla Pose | Prasarita Padottanasana (0:36)
Happy Baby Pose | Ananda Balasana (0:22)
I am | Tadasana (0:22)
Half way lift | Ardha Uttanasana (0:24)
Jaw Massage (0:33)
Knee Hugs | Apanasana (0:29)
Knot Pose | Marichyasana (0:56)
Lazy Pose | Shavasana (0:33)
Leg Lifts (0:42)
Magic Massage (0:54)
Moon Pose | Crescent Moon (0:32)
Mouse Pose | Balasana (0:37)
Seated Forward Fold | Paschimottanasana (0:43)
Pigeon Pose | Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (0:55)
Puppy Pose | Uttana Shishosana (0:34)
Runners Lunge | Anjaneyasana (1:04)
Rainbow Pose | Vasisthasana variation (0:40)
Rock the Baby (0:32)
Shark Pose (0:52)
Snake / Cobra Pose | Bhujangasana (0:56)
Telephone Pose (0:28)
Tiger Pose | Vyaghrasana (0:30)
Tree Pose | Vrksasana (0:51)
Whale Pose | Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (0:45)
Windmill Pose | Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana (0:37)
Warrior 2 Pose | Virabhadrasana (0:44)
The Sun Salutation (1:35)
Transition poses to manage behavior (0:37)
Yoga Sequencing
Focusing Lab
Improving Focus
Building our focused-attention skills (1:09)
Music Doodle (1:01)
Sound Detectives (1:51)
Chilled Champion (1:16)
Amazing Gazing (2:00)
Attitude of Gratitude (0:43)
Resting Lab
Learning to Relax
Visualisation (2:01)
Peaceful Place (2:29)
Special Friend (2:32)
Terrific Tree (1:49)
Eye Care (0:30)
Body Scan (1:26)
Magic Massage (1:03)
Lemon Squeeze (1:21)
Shake and Freeze (0:36)
Yoga for kids with additional needs
Yoga for Adhd
Down Syndrome
Primitive Reflexes
How to create a kids yoga story (4:10)
Yoga games
Partner yoga poses
Yoga and art (1:15)
Mandala Magic (0:16)
Finger Mudras (1:06)
Kids Yoga and the Chakras
The Cha Cha (0:36)
Magic Music (5:11)
How sound affects the body
Introduction to music instruments (8:19)
Body Percussion
Traditional creative AUM and chanting (6:50)
Traveling Bee (4:41)
Forest Sounds (2:52)
Water Sounds (4:53)
Fairy Sounds (2:57)
Alchemy of sound (48:34)
The Namaste Song (0:35)
Yoga for kids aged 3 - 5 years
Yoga poses for ages 3-5 years
Breathing activities for ages 3 - 5 years
Yoga stories for ages 3-5 years (27:50)
Focus and Rest activities ages 3 - 5 years
Yoga teaching tips ages 3 - 5 years
Example lesson plan ages 3 - 5 years
Yoga for kids aged 5 - 8 years
Yoga poses aged 5 - 8 years
Breathing activities ages 5 - 8 years
Rest and Focus activities ages 5 - 8 years
Yoga stories for ages 5 - 8 years
Yoga teaching tips ages 5 - 8 years
Example lesson plan 5 - 8 years
Yoga for kids aged 9 - 12 years
Yoga Flows aged 9 - 12 years
Breathing activities aged 9 - 12 years
Rest and Focus activities aged 9 - 12 years
Yoga teaching tips aged 9 - 12 years
Example lesson plan aged 9 - 12 years
Yoga for teens 13 - 17 years
Yoga Flows 13 - 17 years
Breathing activities 13 - 17 years
Rest and Focus activities ages 13 - 17 years
Example lesson plan 13 - 17 years
Class Management & Setting Boundaries
Example Kids Yoga Lesson (11:12)
Create your own lesson plan
The Business of Kids Yoga
Teaching Kids Yoga Professionally (0:10)
Where to begin
How to market yourself
Liability Form
Letter of Interest
Thank you
Thank you (3:44)
BONUS LECTURE - Teacher Burnout (5:10)
Self-love guide
Teach online with
Half way lift | Ardha Uttanasana
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